Tiger fish warning poster

The tiger fish is a dangerous fish that mostly lives in african freshwater, it is big and strong with a big mouth and jaw with very sharp teeth that can penetrate almost everything in the sea.It rarely attack humans but when they do is brutal. And this also part of sumer learning journey. 

What is sound

Ho world is I did what is sound. This was for our inquiry. We explain what is sound and how do we hear sound. You can check the video in the bottom of the slides. We hope you enjoy the video. bye.

My first ramadan

Hi world to day I read A book called my first ramadan, the book is about a girl that is fasting in the month in ramadan a holy month for muslims. My highlight was doing the small task because it was easy. my lowlight was doing the ramadan jornal because It was hard typing . Our goal was skim and scan the text to locate key words to comprehension questions. I hope you like it, Bye.

south pacific beats

Hi world today today I did South pacific beats. the book was and the follow up task was good alwell. My highlight was reading through the text . My low light was page 3 because obtaining some of the answers were very hard to find. We learned to testing prep and skim and scan the text to locate key word to comprehension questions. I hope you enjoy it, bye.