Month: March 2024


Today in literacy class we learned about Ramadan. Ramadan is the 9 month of the Islamic calendar when muslims fast between sunrise and sunset every day. One good deed I can do this week is go to the Mosque and more. Here is my crate task-A lantern to celebrate the end of Ramadan. This is called Eid al fitr.  I hope that you enjoy it bye.

My name is Rez.

Hello world. Today I did my name is Rez book and the work activity.  Our WALT for this week was to “Summarize a text in my own words and make connections between text and the wider world.I find this work a little bit easy but not that easy it was in between but I reley find this work ok. The next time  I will improve my speed of work and give more details about the story. Like always bye.